Your Canadian Fishing Vacation Destination


Blog about adventures at The Poplars Resort, a fishing resort and family vacation destination in Newboro, Ontario, Canada.

The Best is Yet to Come

  As the first week of bass reaches the half way mark, we realize that the bass are still in “early post spawn” mode. The best is yet to come! The water temperature is now in the low 70s and the bass are moving into shallow water and are just starting to feed. The first few days of bass fishing produced smaller thinner fish than in a typical first week. They were found mostly in a 6 – 10 foot depth. The next three weeks should be outstanding as they start to feed aggressively. If you enjoy early season bass action, there is still time to book a trip to The Poplars Resort.  We are starting to see some nice ones....

and some beauty pike too!

Becky WhiteComment